Sunday, May 27, 2012

Psalm 23

We had so much fun in Sunday School today! It was week 2 in our 6-week series on Psalm 23. Today's focus: "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. He restores me soul." 

We tried out something a little new today. We divided the class into smaller groups and rotated the kids through stations.

At one station, resident artist, Matt Whitney, helped the kids compose paintings inspired by The Jesus Storybook's take on Psalm 23:2-3a:

"Inside my heart is very quiet
as quiet as lying still in soft green grass
In a meadow
By a little stream" 

At station number 2, the kids joined Leah Rivers in the "library" for a cozy time of reading books from Greenwood library (many of them about sheep). 

At the 3rd station, the kids and I knelt beside a tent groundcloth and made a real live green pasture for our paper sheep and our paper Jesus-shepherd. We used spinach, rocks, and cake pans filled with water. 

If you're looking for ways to reiterate our Sunday school lessons at home, you could....
-Sing with them "The Lord is My Shepherd I'll Walk with Him Always" If you don't know it, this'll give you the gist:
-Get a hold of a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones and read the story about David the shepherd
-During times of contentment or tranquility in your family (bedtime, after a good meal, quiet rides in the car), start up a conversation about where you see the Good Shepherd in those moments.