Saturday, August 24, 2013

Preschool: Solomon Becomes King

Lesson Plan for Solomon Becomes King

-“Welcome to Worship”
-We are in a special place because God is here
-This is our special place to be with God, we can talk to God, we can listen to God, we can hear stories of God
-The Lord Be With You (and Also With You)

Songs of Praise:
Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Yadah extend your hand
Todah Lift up your hands
Tehillah it means to sing
Kara means to dance dance dance

Praise Him, praise Him,
 All you little children,
 God is love, God is love.
 Praise Him, praise Him,
 All you little children,
 God is love, God is love.
Love Him...
Know Him...
Serve Him...
Crown Him...

Come into his presence singing alleluia


King David had been king for Israel now for 40 years. Sometimes he had forgotten God, but mostly he had loved God and he had served God. 

King David knew he was going to die soon, so he called two people to visit him.  Nathan, God’s prophet and Zadok, God’s priest.  He told them, God told me that my son Solomon will be the next King.  Find him and have him ride on a donkey to the palace.  Anoint him with oil and  proclaim to everyone—Solomon is King!

David gave Solomon gave him a great kingdom—full of wealth and power—but most importantly, David taught Solomon how to listen to God.

Once David died, God came to Solomon in a dream.  God asked Solomon—what do you need, now that you are King? God offered him any gift. Solomon wanted to be a good King, like his father so he asked for WISDOM.  Wisdom to make good choices for the people of Israel.  God blessed Solomon with so much wisdom that people came from countries far away to ask him questions and seek his help. The country of Israel was at peace. To honor God for this gift, Solomon built a beautiful temple—a house of worship for the people—so that everyone would know that God was the God of Israel.

I wonder what you like best about this story? 

I wonder what is most important in this story? 

I wonder where you are in this story or which part of the story is especially about you?
I wonder how Solomon felt when Nathan and Zadok told him he was going to be King? 

I wonder how Solomon felt when God offered him any gift?
I wonder if God has wisdom for you?

Thanksgiving Feast (at the table)
-This is our time of thanksgiving: our feast and our thanks
-What are we thankful to God for this week?

Jesus storybook bible

Response time: Everyone can pick a way to tell the story

Everyone: Printable of Solomon

Crown: "Happy is the man that finds wisdom."  Proverbs 3:13a

-Legos (big from church & ours) for building the temple

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Preschool: David the Shepherd (Psalm 23)

David the Shepherd (Psalm 23) Lesson Plan

-“Welcome to Worship”
-We are in a special place because God is here
-This is our special place to be with God, we can talk to God, we can listen to God, we can hear stories of God
-The Lord Be With You (and Also With You)

Songs of Praise:
Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Shabach Hallelujah
Barak Praise the Lord

Yadah extend your hand
Todah Lift up your hands
Tehillah it means to sing
Kara means to dance dance dance

I’ve got love like an ocean, I’ve got peace like a river, I’ve got joy like a fountain

Come into his presence singing alleluia


Do you remember David?  He was the boy who God chose to be the next King?  Where was David when Samuel came to find him?  In the fields with his family’s sheep.  David was a shepherd.

Shepherds are the caretakers of the sheep.  In Israel, the land was dry, but there was water running through the land.  It was very important that the shepherd find water for his sheep.  The sheep would drink the water and eat the grass that grew nearby.  David took care of his sheep.

Shepherds were the protectors of the sheep.  In Israel, there were wild animals who would try to catch the sheep for food.  The animal would watch to see if even one sheep wandered away and then attack.  David watched his sheep carefully and would even kill the wild animals who attacked his sheep.

David was not only a shepherd, but he was also a musician.  God helped David make up songs.  Songs about life, songs about nature, songs about God.  God gave David a special song about how God is like a good shepherd.  He takes care of his sheep and protects his sheep.  God loves his sheep and will always look after them, just like God loves his people, and always will.

I wonder what you like best about this story? 

I wonder what is most important in this story? 

I wonder where you are in this story or which part of the story is especially about you?
I wonder how David felt when he saw wild animals hunting his sheep? 

I wonder how David felt when he found water and food for his sheep?
I wonder if God feels the same way about his people?
I wonder if you are one of God’s people?

Thanksgiving Feast (at the table)
-This is our time of thanksgiving: our feast and our thanks
-What are we thankful to God for this week?

Jesus storybook bible

Response time: Everyone can pick a way to tell the story

Everyone: Psalm 23 book illustration, sheep craft/coloring and maze

Next door: Musical instruments for our own psalms (guitar, recorder, shakers)

Preschool: David and Goliath

David and Goliath Lesson Plan

-“Welcome to Worship”
-We are in a special place because God is here
-This is our special place to be with God, we can talk to God, we can listen to God, we can hear stories of God
-The Lord Be With You (and Also With You)

Songs of Praise:
Praise him, praise him, all you little children, God is Love, God is Love (x2)

Only a boy named David (help out with motions):

Only a boy named David,

Only a little sling.

Only a boy named David,

But he could pray and sing.

Only a boy named David,

Only a rippling brook,

Only a boy named David,

But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round

And round and round and round and

Round and round and round and round,

And one little stone went up in the air
And the giant came tumbling down.

Come into his presence singing alleluia

Do you remember David?  He was the youngest of 7 brothers.  He was not big yet, he was not strong yet.  But God told Samuel—this boy—he has a heart like mine.  He will be the next King.  And Samuel anointed him.  He told him God would use him to do great things. 

Now, not so long after Samuel visited David, David’s brothers were called into battle by King Saul.  The Hebrew people, who were now called the people of Israel, were fighting a war against the Philistines.  It wasn’t going very well. 

The Philistines had very powerful warrior on their side.  Goliath He was tall, so tall, and strong, so strong, that no Israelite had been able to defeat him.  King Saul was feeling defeated.  He had forgotten that Israel had a powerful warrior on their side too.  God. 

David, who was too young to be called into battle, was bring food to his brothers on the battle field.  He saw Goliath.  He saw how defeated the Israelites were.  God told him he would use David to do a great thing that day.

David told King Saul he would like to defeat Goliath with God’s help.  King Saul laughed, but gave David his armor to protect him.  David did not want Saul’s too large armor, for he knew God was his protector.

David picked up 5 stones and his sling and went to face Goliath.  Goliath laughed an David—you are so small and weak.  Just like Israel.  Just like your God.  Small and weak!  With one shot, David slung a stone direct at Goliath’s head.  It knocked him to the ground, dead. 

I wonder what you like best about this story? 

I wonder what is most important in this story? 

I wonder where you are in this story or which part of the story is especially about you?
I wonder how David felt when he saw Goliath?
I wonder how David felt when God told he would help him to fight Goliath? 

I wonder if God can use you for great things?

Thanksgiving Feast (at the table)
-This is our time of thanksgiving: our feast and our thanks
-What are we thankful to God for this week?

Jesus storybook bible

Response time: Everyone can pick a way to tell the story

Everyone: Coloring page

Additional Craft: going on a walk (2 at a time) to pick 5 stones and coloring them with markers (or paint)

Activity:  Trying on oversized clothes—see if they can play Simon Says in giant clothes