Monday, May 9, 2011

Preschool: Mary and Martha

This week in sunday school we learned a bit about spending time with Jesus. The kids were introduced to a couple different looking books that had stories about Jesus in them-- even though they looked different, they were all the Bible. We took turns hiding the Bibles around the room and finding them. We talked about how in the Bible there is a story about Jesus and two of his friends, Mary and Martha. Jesus wanted to spend time with them-- talking and listening together. He wanted that more than a clean house or food (hmmm... a lesson for me on mother's day?). One way we can spend time with Jesus is by reading the stories about him in the Bible. So, we made bookmarks (one for Mom, one for the kids) to use when we read the Bible. Happy Mother's day!

Next week: We'll hear the story of Mary's precious gift to Jesus. As part of learning about Mary's generosity, we'll be making piggy banks for the kids to take home to collect coins for the Spilling Hope project Sanctuary is doing.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful kids with us-- they really are a blessing!

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