Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preschool: Two Coats for Joseph

Today's story of Joseph and the coat of many colors came to us through theater. Our Director of Children's Ministry, Joseph (Joey) De Young played the part of Joseph and I played narrator.

We learned that Joesph's dad gave him a beautiful, colorful coat. His 11 brothers were sad and mad that their dad didn't give them a coat and because they thought their dad loved Joseph more than them. Another word for how they were feeling is, "jealous." The brothers got so mad that they dug a deep hole and pushed Joseph into the deep, dark pit. Joseph was scared and lonely, but he knew that even in the pit, God was with him. Our stopping point in the story was when Joseph met Pharaoh. Pharaoh gave Joseph an important job, a gold chain, and a new beautiful coat to wear. God was with Joseph during this good time and during the scary time in the pit.

Some of the kids made their own coat of many colors out of a paper grocery sack. If your child didn't get a chance to finish his or her coat and would like to make one at home, here's what you do. Have your child decorate the grocery sack with colorful art supplies of your choosing. To make it into a coat, cut a straight vertical line where you want the opening of the coat, then cut circles for the head and arms.

Today we had some of the most intent listening and participation that we've had all summer. Sanctuary preschoolers are amazing!