Hey Parents! Next week starts the season of Advent, so for our last week in the old testament, we talked about the Prophets. The Prophets were people God would send to tell Israel when they were not listening to God.
We started by talking about some rules we might have at our houses. Maybe the rule was to wear a helmet when riding a bike, so that if we fell, we wouldn't hurt our head. Maybe the rule was not to hit other kids, so that our friends would not get hurt. Maybe the rule was not to jump on the bed, so that we wouldn't fall off and bump our heads. We thought about how when we break the rules, your mom might say, Hey, you're not listening; you're breaking the rule! This was the same with God's people, Israel. God would tell the Prophet to say, Hey, you're not listening to God; you're breaking the rule!
Once we know we're not listening, we have the chance to say, I'm sorry, and we can be forgiven.
In the Old Testament, there were many Prophets who gave that message to God's people. Jeremiah told Israel that they weren't listening to God, even though God was their maker (like a potter). But that God would forgive and use them to build something new, like with clay (or playdough). God also sent Israel the prophets Ezra and Nehemiah, to tell them they were forgiven and that they should celebrate with a party!
We had various hands-on lessons today. We played with play dough, like the clay, to remind us God forgives and will make something new. We had balloons and M&Ms for our party, to celebrate God's forgiveness. And we drew pictures of the party to remind us of the same.
Next week, we'll start receiving clues to God's secret rescue plan for the season of Advent. God will give a clue first to Isaiah, who was also a prophet. When we have all the clues at the end of Advent, we will know God's rescue plan for his people Israel, and for us!
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