Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday School: Solomon's Wish

Today we began our next session into exploring the Bible - specifically why we have it.  Our story begins with Solomon, who decided to ask God for wisdom instead of all the other attributes or possessions he could have.   We spent some time memorizing Colossians 3:2 as well, which instructs us to set our thoughts on things above, not on earthly things.  The students came up with images to draw underneath each phrase to help them remember the verse. 

Then as part of our activity, each person had to answer the question "what would you ask God for if he told you he would give you one thing you dreamed of?". The answers were entertaining to say the least :)    Following, we dove into the story of Solomon and how he asked God for wisdom rather than all of the glory and praise his father David received during his kingship.  This led to a conversation about how WE obtain wisdom (through scripture, Godly family and friends, and by asking for it in prayer like Solomon).

Lola asked a great question at this point too - why do these things only happen in the Bible and not anymore?  Just when you think it's going to be a breeze of a day, out comes one of those tough questions!  I told her that it was a great question and that we would talk about it more when we had more time....and I've thought about it some more :)

 From there, we rehearsed our memory verse, shared a story about a missionary to China (we'll be learning about one missionary each week for this whole quarter), and completed our fin activity packs.  All in all a good first week with many more to come!

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