Saturday, October 13, 2012

Preschool: Passover

Here's the lesson plan for tomorrow's preschool lesson on the 10 plagues and the passover


Welcome to Worship
-We are in a special place because God is here
-This is our special place to be with God, we can talk to God, we can listen to God, we can hear stories of God

Teach them: The Lord Be With You (and Also With You)

Songs of Praise:
-Pharaoh, Pharaoh
         Well a Pharaoh Pharaoh, oh baby, let my people go, huh, yeah yeah yeah yeah
-Go down Moses
When Israel was in Egypt's land: Let my people go,
Oppress'd so hard they could not stand, Let my People go.
Go down, Moses,
Way down in Egypt's land,
Tell old Pharaoh,
Let my people go.

-Come into his presence singing alleluia

The night God rescued his people
(Set up green cloth for Egypt, Hebrews/moses & Egyptians/pharaoh)
-Moses came back to the Hebrew people, God’s people, and saw they were suffering as slaves
-He knew God would make him brave so he went to talk to Pharaoh
-He told Pharaoh God says, Let my people go! But Pharaoh said no!
-Pharaoh needed to Hebrew slaves to build his kingdom
-9 times Moses came to Pharaoh to ‘let my people go’, and 9 times he said ‘no’
-9 times disasters happened to warn Pharaoh and his people: blood, frogs, flies, locusts, sickness, darkness, and hail covered the river and land, people and animals. 
-The 10th time, when Pharaoh would still not let the Hebrew people go free, God sent death to the firstborn of Pharaoh’s people, but it passed over the Hebrew people
-Finally, Pharaoh said, Go! And the Hebrew people quickly left Egypt

I wonder questions (trying to get at the rescue)
-I wonder why the Egyptian people thought this was happening to their land?
-I wonder how the Hebrew people felt when death passed over their families?
-I wonder if they ever stopped believing that God would rescue them?
-I wonder how God’s people will remember their rescue?

We are going to have a special Thanksgiving Feast today
First, we have our time of thanksgiving; I wonder what you are thankful for today?

Second, seder meal lesson:
-Today we are going to celebrate with some special foods, the way the Hebrew people do still today
-Each year, they remember how God rescued them from Egypt by having a special celebration called Passover, where they remember how death Passed Over their homes
-The feast is called a Seder meal
-They use a special plate and special foods to remember the story we heard today
-Crackers are like the special bread that did not rise up like regular bread, because they were in a hurry to leave Egypt
-The fruit and nuts mixed together reminded them of the color of the bricks they used to build Pharaohs kingdom when they were slaves
-They also had an egg and green vegetable to remind them of new life, bitter herbs to remind them of their bitter life as slaves, and lamb to remind them of death passing over their houses
-At the special meal, the children ask why? Why is this night different, why do eat these foods? Why do we celebrate this way?
-Do you ever wonder why we do things in church to celebrate our rescue? Why do we sing songs? Why do we pray? Why do we read the bible? I wonder.

Read Jesus storybook bible

Response time: Everyone can pick a way to tell the story
-Re-tell the story
-Art/craft: color pharaoh’s headdress & plague coloring sheet
-Tactile: frog game
-Game at the end: Hide the matza— in the Seder meal, sometimes the leader will hide the desert piece of the matza and the children will have to find it

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