Monday, August 15, 2011

Preschool: Baby Moses

This week, we talked about how God starts taking care of us when we're tiny babies and continues to care for us as we grow. The main story we used to illustrate this point was the story of Moses in a basket, but we got our wheels turning about babies by reading, "My Baby and Me" by Lynn Reiser. It's a great Greenwood Library find that is illustrated with photos of preschoolers and their infant siblings.

The egg carton basket in the construction paper river with the upright construction paper grass was my favorite craft of the summer, and it was a big hit with the kids since it needed a lot of their favorite craft supply, glue.

We added a new song to our small repertoire. It's an oldie. You might know it. It goes, "Read your Bible, pray every day and you'll grow, grow, grow."

Next week, the marvelous Leah Rivers will be teaching the class while I'm visiting family in Minnesota.

1 comment:

  1. Overheard a comment from a mom that this was a wonderful lesson! Well done!
