Sunday, August 28, 2011

Preschool: Crossing the Red Sea

Today we finished up our three-week series on Moses with the story of fleeing Egypt and crossing the sea. After we read the storybook, the kids had a great time pretending to pack their bags and get ready to leave. Next we picked up our bags and pretended to follow Moses outside. A sidewalk chalk sea stood in the way of our escape until we drew a path right through it. We were able to cross without even getting wet. God was the one who made the path. He took care of His people! God can do incredible things!

The paper plate tambourine crafts are to remind the kids of how Moses and God's people had a celebration after they crossed the sea. After the fact, I realized that this craft presents some safety hazards. Please be aware that if/when the tambourine gets ripped open, dry pasta will spill out. Beware of this choking hazard. Also, staples probably weren't the safest choice for connecting the plates. I'll make an effort toward having better foresight. Please forgive me.

Every week, each kid brings something special to the class. This week Anna and Minerva brought lots of stories about their lives to tell the teachers. Nicolas N. brought an eagerness to play with all his buddies. Nicolas S. brought a smile and listening ears. Leto entertained everyone with made up stories about his goldfish crackers. Ethan gave me a big hug when he was feeling sad about missing his dad. Joel and Abram made beautiful creations with sidewalk chalk. I witness all this and leave feeling full of joy week after week. These kids are such a gift!

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