Sunday, February 27, 2011

Elementary: At Work with God

The Early Elementary Sunday school class is just wrapping up a series of lessons called “At Work with God” by Disciple Land. We studied ten Old Testament characters who used their skills to serve the Lord and other people. We discussed what God wants to do in our lives, too. For example, we learned about Naboth- a vineyard worker in the book of 1 Kings. His “good fruit”- hard work and honesty- was compared with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel’s “bad fruit”- saying lies and stealing. We talked about how God wants to grow good fruit in our lives, and we asked Jesus to help us. This coming week we will review the key concepts and celebrate a milestone in this faith journey we are on together!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Preschool: One Thankful Man

This week, the kids heard the story of Jesus healing the ten men who were sick and asked for his help (or, the ten lepers Luke 17:11-19). We enjoyed counting the ten men a number of times during the story, and shouting "Thank You, Jesus!" at the end. We are happy that one man remembered to say thanks to Jesus for making him well again.

For their activity, the kids made up signs saying what things they were thankful for, with stickers to show things that they liked. Hope you got to see their little posters of gratitude!

Songs we sang in class this week: If I Were a Butterfly, Who's the King of the Jungle, This Little Light of Mine

Next week (3/6/2011): A Little Lunch: the story of Jesus and a hungry crowd (John 6:1-13)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Preschool: Good Days and Bad Days

This week, Martin told the story of Zacchaeus to the children (Luke 19:1-10)

We talked about how Zacchaeus' day turned from bad to good when he decided to climb a tree to see Jesus. When Jesus told him he wanted to come to his house, Zacchaeus was very happy.

For our activity, we let the kids make a tree with crepe paper, and let them climb up a step to look for Jesus passing by. We made a cute little mess!

Next week (2/27/11): Thank You, Jesus! The Story of Jesus and One Thankful Man
(Jesus heals the ten lepers Luke 17:11-19)