Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sunday, June 1st

Friends, Parents, Volunteers.

What a great morning.  We got to welcome Randy back, take communion together, and enjoy the many facets of what this wonderful book, the Bible, has to offer!

We've rescheduled our Christian Education meeting for a future date, as Tassie was out with a couple of sick kids.  My apologies for any miscommunication.  

Here are the summaries from each of your Sunday School classes:

2s & 3s
I skipped ahead last week in saying that we told the whole story of Moses.  In fact, we only covered Moses in the reeds - so this week we got to hear the story of Moses in the burning bush.  You should have gotten a craft sent home with a colorful picture of this burning bush, and hopefully some pieces of the story as well.  The kids were enthralled with the desert sand they could touch, as well as Moses running from Egypt only to find God speaking to him in a most unexpected way.  We wondered at how Moses must have felt when the bush starting speaking to him.  We wondered what he would do next and why God would choose him.  In addition, we spent some time singing Father Abraham and practicing our memory verse Proverbs 3:5-6

We looked at the story of Joseph and how he trusted God in the midst of terrible circumstances. We talked about how we know we can trust God, even when we don't know what's going to happen next or even when the people around us aren't trustworthy. The class was able to look at Joseph's story and realize that God was there, helping Joseph because of his faith in God. Our memory verse for this month was introduced - Prov. 3.5-6: "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." 

Today we talked about Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (Acts Ch 4). Lola and Riley, whom i got to meet for the first time today, were both curious about what a court would look like. Was there a judge? Was it dangerous? ...And what on Earth were the Sanhedrin thinking by trying to punish Peter and John after they had just healed someone who could not walk for the first 40 years of his life? (There was some discussion on what it meant to be "lame" in the non-walking sense). We made trial documents for the prosecution of Peter and John, drawing pictures to show evidence, charges against and the verdict. They also dove into the memory verse and were getting a lot of it right by the end... A good day all around!