Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Here is the dropbox link again for all of the upcoming lessons!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Advent for K-2

We're going to use the Imagine Year 1, Unit 3 book for the K-2 class this advent. I don't have it scanned for this week, but I'll try to add it to the Dropbox asap!  Here's the schedule:
Nov 30-- lesson 1
Dec 7-- lesson 2
Dec 14-- lesson 3
Dec 21-- (no lesson, group birthday party for Jesus)
Dec 28-- lesson 4
January 4-- lesson 5
January 11-- lesson 6

Friday, November 7, 2014

Peter Fish

Hi parents!

Here's the link to the Peter Fish/World Hunger Sunday information from World Renew:
The family devotional is available for download near the bottom of the page.

We'll turn in the Peter Fish banks the Sunday before Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall Lesson Schedule (Thru 11/23/14)

Here are the lessons for the next few months for the three oldest classrooms.  

Parents & Teachers, if you'd like to view the entire curriculum or specific lesson please follow the link below as I've shared it via dropbox.

3s & 4s:

From the Jesus Storybook Bible.  Continuing our lessons on the life of Jesus:

9/21/14 - Washed with tears. (Sinful Woman annoints Jesus feet) Mark 14
9/28/14 - The Servant King. (The Last Supper) Mark 14
10/5/14 - A dark night in the garden (Gathsemane) Mark 14
10/12/14 - The sun stops shining (The Crucifixion) Mark 15
10/19/14 - God’s wonderful surprise (The Resurrection) Mark 16
10/26/14 - Going home (The Ascension) Mark 16
11/2/14 - God sends help (Pentecost) John 15
11/9/14 - A new way to see (Saul become Paul) Acts 6-9
11/16/14 - A dream of heaven (John sees into the future) Romans 1, 5, 21, and 22
11/23/14 - Thanksgiving Week Lesson

Kindergarten-2nd Grade:

From Imagine Year 2 Units 3-4

9/21/14 - A Crowd Praises God: Luke 7:11-17
9/28/14  - Jesus and a Thankful Man: Luke 17:11-19
10/5/14 - Jesus Heals a Man Who Couldn't See: Luke 18:35-43
10/12/14 - Mary Honors Jesus: John 12:1-11
10/19/14 - A Crowd Honors Jesus Matthew 21:1-17 
10/26/14 - Jesus Dies John 18-19
11/2/14 - Jesus Is Alive! John 20:1-18; Acts 1:1-9
11/9/14 - A Man Jumps for Joy Acts 3:1-16
11/16/14 -  Peter and Tabitha Acts 9:36-43
11/23/14 -  Peter Is Rescued  Acts 12:1-19

3rd-5th Grade

From Marvel Year 1 Units 4-5
9/21/14 - Stephen's Story: Acts 6; 7:51-8:4
9/28/14  - Simon the Sorcerer: Acts 8:4-25
10/5/14 - Tabitha: Acts 9:36-43
10/12/14 - Peter's Vision: Acts 10:1-11:21
10/19/14 -  Peter's Rescue: Acts 12:1-19
10/26/14 - Saul's Conversion: Acts 9:1-31
11/2/14 - The Send Off Acts 13:1-12
11/9/14 - Lystra: Acts 14:8-20
11/16/14 -  The Council at Jerusalem: Acts 15:1-35

11/23/14 -  A Stop at Phillipi: Acts 16:11-40

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday, Sept. 14th 2014

Beautiful day wasn't it?  A baptism.  Bright, warm sunshine. Hopefully some Sabbath rest.  Randy's words of encouragement to model love and thankfulness to a watching world really sunk in for me today, and I hope they did for you to.  Just as we confessed our commitment to join with Christ in his covenant to little Benjamin, so to did we act on that promise made to so many of the children in our church, and to our community as a whole.

Here's a little update on what each classroom looked like today:

3s & 4s:  Elizabeth Gunnink & Yarek.

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 - The story of the Prodigal Son (Jesus Storybook Bible)

After a welcome and some time singing, the kids dug right into the story.

Craft:  Coloring pictures of the prodigal son story

Snack: Popsicles....but you'd never know from how well Yarek cleaned them up!

K-2nd Grade: Sarah Lewis Assink, Heather Whitney

Scripture: Luke 5:27-32  - Jesus called Matthew and Matthew followed him.
Basically the kids learned about how Jesus befriends Matthew the tax collector, a man who had NO friends. Eating and drinking with sinners was strictly for- bidden, and it implied acceptance of their sin. He called Matthew to a new life as his dis- ciple, and that invitation was so compelling and liberating to Matthew that he threw a party so all his disreputable friends could meet Jesus.

The whole class threw a party together to celebrate, in solidarity with Matthew.  In Sarah's words "who needs an excuse to have a party anyway?"  Indeed.  What better to celebrate than a sinner being welcomed into the family of God?  Sounds strangely familiar doesn't it? :)

3rd-5th Grade: Chris Gunnink

Scripture: Acts 4:36-5:16 - Ananias & Sapphira

The focus of this lesson is that members of the Christian community should be honest, sincere, and truthful and should not be concerned with being number one in the community.

Chris confided in me that it was a tough passage and lesson for him to teach and for the kids to grasp.  Understandably so when the plot of the story mainly entails a husband and wife being struck dead for lying!  My encouragement to him, to the kids, and to you as parents would be not to ignore or gloss over these TOUGH place in the Bible, but to have a conversation about it.  Questions like, "was that a scary story for you" or "why do you think that's even in the Bible?" are good!   You don't need to have the answers....because honestly it can be good to be confused or scared together.  It may cause you to dig deeper into the Word to find out more.

I think the lesson does a good job of describing the reason for this passage:

Today, we tend to think of the church as a voluntary organization that we may freely join and that should answer to our needs and desires. In the Bible the church is the creation of the Holy Spirit, who brings us into fellowship with Christ and each other. While this story does not teach us to be afraid in church, it does teach us to take our place in its fellowship very seriously. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sunday Sept. 7th

What a day!  God certainly provides doesn't he?

Not only did we have almost 30 kids between the two services, I was sick and had to find coverage for a few spots early Sunday morning.  A big thanks to Jasmine for stepping up and teaching the younger class, and Janet & Norm who took on the older kids with very little lead time.  Ali also jumped in during 2nd service and rocked it.  As usual.

The story and lesson this Sunday was on the story of Zaccheaus, which according to Jasmine was tough for those 3s & 4s of ours to understand because "c'mon, kids from age 2-4 are friends with everyone."  Well said Jasmine :)  

You should have seen a craft sent home with your little one resembling a tree with a little Zacchaeus man in it. Hopefully a reminder all week of the story of Jesus love for "the least of these."

One thing that came to mind when I thought of that story and this phrase was the community dinners we were a part of for the month of August.  Seeing Sanctuary and Greenwood friends of all ages, but especially those little ones running around reminded me of Jesus call for us to be his hands and feet.  In the same way he invited Zaccheaus home with him for dinner that night, we have had the opportunity to dine with folks in our city that most like to blame, ignore, or despise - like the tax collectors of old.  I love that our children are seeing them differently.

That's all for now!  Hope the first week or two of school has been treating you all well.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sunday, June 1st

Friends, Parents, Volunteers.

What a great morning.  We got to welcome Randy back, take communion together, and enjoy the many facets of what this wonderful book, the Bible, has to offer!

We've rescheduled our Christian Education meeting for a future date, as Tassie was out with a couple of sick kids.  My apologies for any miscommunication.  

Here are the summaries from each of your Sunday School classes:

2s & 3s
I skipped ahead last week in saying that we told the whole story of Moses.  In fact, we only covered Moses in the reeds - so this week we got to hear the story of Moses in the burning bush.  You should have gotten a craft sent home with a colorful picture of this burning bush, and hopefully some pieces of the story as well.  The kids were enthralled with the desert sand they could touch, as well as Moses running from Egypt only to find God speaking to him in a most unexpected way.  We wondered at how Moses must have felt when the bush starting speaking to him.  We wondered what he would do next and why God would choose him.  In addition, we spent some time singing Father Abraham and practicing our memory verse Proverbs 3:5-6

We looked at the story of Joseph and how he trusted God in the midst of terrible circumstances. We talked about how we know we can trust God, even when we don't know what's going to happen next or even when the people around us aren't trustworthy. The class was able to look at Joseph's story and realize that God was there, helping Joseph because of his faith in God. Our memory verse for this month was introduced - Prov. 3.5-6: "Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." 

Today we talked about Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (Acts Ch 4). Lola and Riley, whom i got to meet for the first time today, were both curious about what a court would look like. Was there a judge? Was it dangerous? ...And what on Earth were the Sanhedrin thinking by trying to punish Peter and John after they had just healed someone who could not walk for the first 40 years of his life? (There was some discussion on what it meant to be "lame" in the non-walking sense). We made trial documents for the prosecution of Peter and John, drawing pictures to show evidence, charges against and the verdict. They also dove into the memory verse and were getting a lot of it right by the end... A good day all around!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sunday, May 25th

This was my first Sunday away for quite some time, so I feel a bit disconnected from the lessons and goings-on this week.  But thanks for our awesome lead teachers, especially Reba who ran point for me we can all get a glimpse at what occurred Sunday morning, regardless of whether we were there or not!

In Kindergaren/1st Grade Sarah talked about Daniel & the lions den on Sunday in class. The lesson went over Daniel's obedience to God's command of praying to Him only and God's faithfulness to protect Daniel from harm. We recapped (slightly) the previous weeks' lessons - Elijah, Jonah, & Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego.

In 2s & 3s Reba and the kids told the story of Moses beginning in when he was found in the reeds.  In retelling much of his life's story, our children were encouraged to ask wondering questions like: 

-I wonder how Moses felt knowing his people were slaves
-I wonder how it felt for Moses to leave his home and go to the desert
-I wonder why God used fire to speak to Moses

In 2nd-4th Grade Matt Watrous taught the lesson "In the Name of Jesus" on Acts 3 of Peter and John speaking Christ's name and healing the lame man at the gate of the temple.  We asked questions like, "what do you think was going through the man's head when Peter told him to get up and walk?"  "how do you think Peter and John reacted when the man walked?  Were they surprised or did they expect it?

Also, all of our classrooms will be practicing Father Abraham over the next few weeks to get ready for a performance on Father's Day.  Hope you're all ready for an adventure, and feel free to practice at home if the kids are up for it!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Upcoming Lesson Plan for 2s & 3s

Here is the lesson plan for our 2s & 3s for the next few months.  We're going to start using the Godly play format that we did with our kids a few years ago.

You can refer back to the blog from 2012 for the entire lesson plans - thanks for recording those Laura!

May 11: Joseph & His Brothers Part I
May 18: Joseph & His Brothers Part II
May 25: Moses in the Reeds

June 1: Moses & the Burning Bush
June 8: Plagues & the Passover
June 15: Crossing the Red Sea

Elizabeth G
June 22: Rescue in the Dessert (Mana)
June 29: 10 Commandments

July Lessons:
Promised Land
Start the Parables/Story of Jesus Life & Work

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday, May 4th

Hi family & friends!

What a blessed Sabbath.  I found myself continually surprised today, and love the way God spoke to me through the worship service, Summer's message, Sunday school lessons, rainy weather, and especially our kids!

My prayer for us all this week, is that we would recognize and celebrate the many ways God is surprising us.  Maybe it's the incredible, sometimes subtle and sometimes obvious, ways our children are growing and changing; reminding us of how fearfully & wonderfully we are made.  Perhaps it's 40 degree swing from sunshine to cloudy-drizzly-blah; reminding us of His power and control over nature. Or even a kind word spoken or heard; reminding us of our call to be a light in darkness.  Let's be ready to see, hear, taste, & touch Him this week.

2s & 3s
Today our 2s & 3s learned about the church.  Reba shared about it being more than just people at Sanctuary.  It's actually a collection of God's people all around the world!  The craft of was of many people from all over the world holding hands, as one unified body.

Just a week after hearing the story of Jonah ourselves, our preschoolers & kindergarteners had a chance to listen in and experience his story as well.  Each of the children got play a role in the story as they retold it to each other and to the teachers.  They loved it :)  They asked questions like: "I wonder how it made God feel to see Jonah run away and hide? and, I wonder why Jonah thought a boat would be a good place to hide from God."


Our passage today came from Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents.  We spent some time in prayer thanking God the gifts and abilities He's granted us.  Next, we acted out the story with the kids (i.e. Lola) acting out each of the 3 servants and what they did with the money.  We discussed why the master was so cruel as to ban the last servant from his property and then give his money to the one who had the most.  Certainly a tough question!

The point I hoped to take away was how God wants us to take risks for him.  Perhaps with our money, as any good entrepreneur would agree, but also with our gifts and abilities.  We shouldn't be scared to use what we've been given to do His kingdom work.  The two servants who invested their money (talents/gifts) could have easily lost it all, but I believe we're called to trust God with the results.  We are called to "take risks" with what's been entrusted to us.

We also began our new memory verse - Romans 6:23 and took communion with the congregation following our lesson.  It was a great day!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday April 13th

Sunday, April 13th

Palm Sunday!

Toddler Class:
We gathered to welcome all 7 children, as well as Miss Tressa & Mr. Joey.  Sang a more "PC" version of Jesus Love the Little Children (shoutout to Becky Mohrlang for her idea to change lyrics!).  Then we read the story of Jesus parade into Jerusalem.

During snack, we asked the children if they could remember a parade they had been to (Hint hint, Seafair!), who this parade was for, and what made it special.  The last one stumped them :)  I do wish I would have asked the question of "How do we and should we celebrate Jesus like these people at his parade?"  Try it and let me know how it goes over at home.

For craft, we made palm branches and colored pictures of Jesus triumphal entry, then had a parade of our own!  This devolved into Mr. Joey serving as the donkey for the last few minutes, but it was a blast.  Just like all those people in Jerusalem, we were shouting Hosanna in our own way, time, and place.  Remind your children this week of how we can celebrate Jesus triumphal entry in our lives this Holy Week, but each and every day as well.

Kindergarten/1st Grade:
Teacher: Caity Edwards
Reflections coming soon!

2nd-4th Grade:
Teacher: Matt Watrous

This week the "older kids" studied the parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25. We discussed the “lists” that Jesus made for the sheep and goats and invited kids to brainstorm additional examples from their daily lives. Examples we discussed included, 
• I was lonely and you were my friend.
• I was mocked and you stood up for me.
• I was struggling in school and you took time to study with me.

We discussed who the "least of these" are in our own lives. We circled back to themes from past lessons, especially the command to Love God and our neighbor. We talked about the role of deeds in our faith. Lastly, we drew pictures of how we can take care of the least of these in everyday life.