Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Preschool: Jesus heals the blind man

This past week, we studied the story of Jesus healing the blind man. First, we used our eyes to play I Spy around the room and look for colors and objects using our eyes. We closed our eyes and felt what it was like to be unable to see those things. Then, we read the story focusing on the gift Jesus gave the man allowing him to see his favorite colors again. We wrapped up with some I Spy books and puzzles using our eyes!

Next week: Jesus calms the storm-- feel free to have your child bring a favorite comfort item, as we talk about calming fear and anxiety in many ways, including prayer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Elementary: What is false worship?

We started by reviewing the first two commandments God gave to Moses: 1.) Worship only the true God. 2.) Do not make any idols.

Our lesson was from 2 Chronicles 33:1-20. Manasseh became king of Judah when he was 12 (yikes!) and he did not keep God's first two commandments. He began worshiping false gods, and even had some put into God's temple. We talked about why rocks and wood don't make good gods- they can't hear you, and they can't do anything for you! We have the privilege of praying to the One True God, who loves to hear hear our voice and has unlimited power to answer us. Thankfully, after Manasseh was taken captive by the Babylonians he repented. God forgave him, and Manasseh led the people of Judah to only love and worship the one true God.

We talked about what idols might look like today. It could mean thinking about video games when it is time to pray. It might look like spending too much money on cute clothes so that people will like us. Anything that becomes most important in our heart is an idol, and we need to ask God for forgiveness and turn back to loving Him first.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Preschool: The Walls of Jericho

Horns bring down the walls of Jericho
The story of God bringing down the walls of Jericho (Joshua Ch.6) was heard by the kids this week. God told Joshua and his people to march around the city and blow horns, for six days in a row. On the seventh day, when they marched around the city, the mighty walls collapsed, and Joshua and his people were happy. This story tells us that God keeps his promises, and he can do anything, even those things that may seem impossible.

The kids decorated construction paper horns that they blew to bring down the walls of Jericho!

Next week (3/27/2011): A Wonderful Sight, Mark 8:22-26

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Elementary: Noah Worships God

We started our new series of lessons focused on worshiping God. Our verse this week was John 4:24 "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

Our story focused on what Noah did AFTER the flood. The water was gone, his family and the animals were safely out of the ark, so the first thing Noah did was worship God by building an alter. We learned that one of God's names is Yahweh, which means He is the one true God who wants us to know Him. We built a pretend alter out of blocks so we could see what one might look like. We talked about how we don't build alters and sacrifice animals now to please God. When Jesus died on the cross He took away the need to sacrifice animals. God's Word, the Bible, helps teach us how to live to please God today.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preschool: Jonah and the Whale

Jonah inside the great fish

This week the kids heard the story of Jonah. When God called Jonah to preach to the citizens of Ninevah, he refused and tried to run away. But no matter where Jonah tried to hide, God found him. Even when Jonah boarded a ship, and God sent a whale to swallow him up, Jonah couldn't escape from God. To demonstrate this, Jonah (who looked very much like a stuffed Pink Panther doll) tried to hide all around the classroom. But no matter where he went, the kids could find him. Even inside the belly of the whale (a tarp opened up inside the room).
Songs we sang: Who's the King of the Jungle, If I were a Butterfly

Next week (3/20/2011): The Walls of Jericho (Joshua 6)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Elementary: Unit Review Game and Get-Well Cards

This Sunday we reviewed what we learned in our previous lessons by playing a game. The children decorated their own game-piece, then answered Bible questions as they moved their piece around the game board. 2 M&Ms were awarded for each correct answer, or 1 if they gave the question solid effort but got it wrong. They did a great job! Some of the questions the students answered correctly were: Why did God tell Noah to build a boat? What did a Bible-times shepherd do? What is one piece of the armor of God? What does it mean to be wise? What is one way that you can be like Jesus today?

We also made get-well cards for our classmate who has been sick. It is great to be able to use our creativity to bless our friend!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Preschool: Jesus feeds the masses

fishes and loaves
After our rope line walk to the Green Bean, opening songs and snack, the kids heard the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes (John 6:1-13). After a large crowd had gathered to hear Jesus preach, there was no food for everyone. A small boy shared his lunch of bread and two fish, which Jesus blessed and miraculously transformed into enough to feed the entire gathering! To illustrate how we share and feed each other in the same spirit, the kids had a little picnic with toy food, and took turns dividing the food and sharing it with one another!

Songs we sang: If I Were A Butterfly, Jumping Kangaroo song (improvised to provide an opportunity to jump around), Who's the King Of The Jungle, Twinkle Twinkle, and Praise Ye the Lord

Next week (3/13/2011): Jonah and the Big Fish