Sunday, June 26, 2011

Preschool: Paul goes over the wall

We heard a very exciting story today in sunday school! Hiding in a basket, Paul was lowered over the tall city wall to escape the guards who were looking for him. Paul was in trouble for telling people about Jesus, so he and his friends hatched a plan to get him out of the city. Everywhere he went, Paul told people about Jesus, even when it was dangerous. God sure helped Paul to be brave!

We made our own Pauls, baskets and walls out of dixie cups, string and some construction paper. We pray that we can be so brave as Paul to tell people about Jesus.

A few new songs today and a few oldies: I've got love like a river, This is the day, and Fisher's of men.

This was my last week teaching for a while. It's been great working with your kids for the last three months! Any feedback you have from you and your kids to make the program better is much appreciated.

Lydia leads starting next week for the months of July, August & September.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preschool: Paul meets Jesus

This past week in preschool, we heard the story of Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. We talked about light and all the different things that make light (sun, stars, light bulb, TV as one child mentioned :) and how Paul saw a bright light and heard Jesus speak to him. Jesus asked Paul why he was his enemy and asked him to be his friend. Paul was changed. To understand changed, we read the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and noticed how he changed into a butterfly-- how Paul was changed when he met Jesus. We made beautiful butterflies to remember how Paul was changed, like a butterfly.

Well, next week is my last week teaching for a while, then Lydia will be taking over as lead teacher! Next week's lesson: Paul's escape in a basket (Acts 9:20-25).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Preschool: Ascension Day

Today, the church worldwide celebrated Ascension Day-- the day Jesus left his Disciples and returned to the Father. The story tells that Jesus gathered his friends around him and told them he was leaving, but not to be afraid for he would always be with them. They were on a mountain and Jesus was hidden by the clouds until they could not see him anymore-- they felt sad, but were happy knowing He would be with them wherever they went.

We talked about how Jesus is always with us, whether we're on a Bear hunt in the forest, river, cave, or snowstorm, wherever we are.

Next week: It's Pentecost Sunday and I'll be camping, but Torrey will be our fearless leader!