Verse for Preschool & K/1: Joshua 1:9 Song: “Be bold, be strong! For the Lord your God is
with you. (Repeat). Do not be afraid. Do not be dismayed. Walk in faith and
victory. Keep on walk’n in faith and victory. For the Lord your God is with
Music to sing the song is here.
of the Month: Oh Worship the King
“Play” Curriculum
July 3- God’s
Character: We are equally special to Him
July 10- Lesson 22: Jesus Calls His Disciples
July 17- God’s Character: He is All-Powerful
July 24- Lesson 23: Jesus Heals a Boy
July 31- Lesson 24: Jesus Heals a Lame Man
Kindergarten-1st Grade
“Imagine” Curriculum
July 3- God’s Character: We are equally special to Him
July 10- Session 4: Jacob and Esau
July 17- God’s Character: He is All-Powerful
July 24- Session 5: Baby Moses
July 31- Session 6: Moses and the Burning Bush
2nd-6th Grade
Verse: Acts 1:8 “You will receive
power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
July 3- In the service to participate in the Lord’s Table
July 10- Session 2: Jesus Goes Back to Heaven
July 17- In the service, no class
July 24- Session 3: Pentecost
July 31- Session 4: A Man Jumps for Joy