Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preschool: The Rescue in the Desert

The Rescue In the Desert

Welcome to Worship
-We are in a special place because God is here
-This is our special place to be with God, we can talk to God, we can listen to God, we can hear stories of God

Teach them: The Lord Be With You (and Also With You)

Songs of Praise and Sadness
Intro—the Hebrew people sang songs of praise to God, but sometimes they felt worried or sad and would sing to God then too... can you hear it?  (What a mighty God we serve/When Israel was in Egypt land)

-Praise him, praise him, all of God’s children, God is love, God is love

-I will sing, sing a new song (x2), how long to sing this song (x2), how long (x4), to sing this song
(I waited patiently for the Lord, he inclined and heard my cry, he lifted me up out of the pit, out of the miry clay)

-Come into his presence singing alleluia

The Rescue in the Desert
(Set up the desert box with Hebrews & Moses, candle & smoke, rock/bread)
-Last time we heard about God’s great rescue of his people at the Red Sea
-The Hebrew people were trapped, but God made a miracle and rolled back the water and led his people to freedom
-They were free! And Miriam, Moses sister, led the dancing. 
-Now that they were a free people, they could go anywhere they want to go and do anything they want to do.  Where will they go now?
-They began the long journey to the land of Joseph: Canaan—the land God promised them
-The desert is a hard place to live.  Not much food, not much water.  No signs telling them where to go. 
-But God loved his people so much, he would show them the way.
-As the Hebrew people traveled in tents across the desert, they followed fire by night and smoke by day. 
-But the desert was hard, they began to complain, some even wanted to go back to Egypt.  There was not enough food, not enough water.
-So God made miracles.  He helped Moses find water in rocks.  He brought bread and meat to the ground outside their tents each morning.
-Each day, the Hebrew people were reminded of God’s rescue.

I wonder questions (trying to get at the rescue)
-I wonder how the Hebrew people felt when looked out over the desert?
-I wonder if they knew it would be a long journey?
-I wonder if the Hebrew people ever stopped believing God would rescue them?
-I wonder what part of the story you like best?
-I wonder where you are in this story or what part is about you?

Thanksgiving Feast
We have our time of thanksgiving; I wonder what you are thankful for today?

Read Jesus storybook bible

Response time: Everyone can pick a way to tell the story
-Re-tell the story
-Art/craft: Fire and smoke/ cut white and red tissue paper; cut out pictures of the ways God provides for our needs
-Tactile: playdough
-Imagination: Tent with pretend bread outside the tent

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